Gray Days
So dreary |
I do not know if it the shortened days with less sunlight, SAD, hormones or that I am just ready to leave but things just seem so gray and dull. There is no sunshine. I need daylight. All I want to do is leave. Go. Go somewhere where it is not the same old same old. I get up for work and it is the same routine. Now do no get me wrong. I like my work - I just do not like going to work. I am happier on my days off. I am even tired of seeing people. Now that is a big one because I enjoy being around people. It seems to be the same thing over and over and over. Same activities, same conversations, same city. I want change. I want to go. Then there seems to be the influx of farewell parties. Stupid Couchsurfing - people show up, become your friend and then they leave. I want a farewell party. I want to be the one to leave. God I can't wait to leave.
These words to Vince Vaccaro's song (as I posted the video here) "Costa Rica" spin endlessly in my head:
"I wanna leave this place yeah never to be found,
I wanna leave my old life far behind
Can I lose my name be someone new
And I'll throw my trouble deep in the wild blue"
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