Thursday, 19 September 2013

Let The Birthday Shenanigans Begin!!


Yep, today is my birthday. If you are new here then you should know that LOOOOVE my birthday. Always have, even as kid. Now I'm just a grown-up kid. I do not feel my age and fortunately enough, I do not look my age (thanks mom and dad). 

As many of you know, I am not shy about announcing and celebrating my birthday, as I mentioned here. So I would like to share my plans for the day weekend. 

1. I took 2 days off work plus it's a non-work weekend. That means 4 days off!

2. Today I will cash in on birthday freebies: brekkie at Denny's, free tea at Blenz, and a free burger at either Red Robin or Vera's Burgers. I am also getting my hair coloured so I will be pampered. Tonight will be the really fun part - getting dressed up and having drinks at a swanky hotel bar. We will head to Reflections at the Rosewood's Hotel Georgia. This will be different from years past as I am a casual pub girl. I hope I fit in!

3. Friday will see some more pampering. I intend to redeem my free pedicure coupon. Then I will head home to prepare a scrumptious meal for some of my nearest and dearest friends. I wish I could invite more but, alas, my small bachelor apartment can accommodate only a few. I am at capacity as it is. It'll be a great girls' night in. 

4. Saturday night will be another the big celebration. I have reserved space at Red Card Sports Pub for an evening of drinks, perhaps dancing and fantastic camaraderie. If it is anything like years past it will be a great time. 

5. Sunday I am fairly certain I will be recovering from a hangover...

So there you have it. The plans for my special day. I will post photos down the line of the memories that will be made. 

Below please find a few photos of some of my past birthdays. I wish I had more but many are pre-digital. 

My first birthday and I'm already celebrating

A birthday while studying massage years ago

Most memorable birthday - on top of the Eiffel Tower

I climbed that tower on my birthday!

A couple years back and I met Captain Morgan
and borrowed his hat!

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