First and foremost: my apologies for not getting around to posting sooner. Sometimes things just get crazy. Well, I am now back home and settled in. I barely had time to check email, let alone blog since I didn't have a laptop. Note to self: make that an investment very soon. Anyways...
Ah Paris, such a beautiful city. Many people balk at things "old" and "antiquiated" but it is that very thing that gives Paris its charm. The buildings built over100 years ago were given such care to their detail. So much so, that many are now musuems and national heritage sites. These monuments and palaces are ornate and built on a large scale. Take for example The Palace of Versaille, built by King Louis XIV. For some reason, I always thought this was a "small" palace. I'm not sure where I got that idea but it certainly is NOT small. It gives new meaning to the word 'palatial'. Isn't there some saying about men's precoccupation with size? Very clearly seen in Versaille
...and The Arc d'Triomphe
...and the Royal Palace
... and the Pont de Alexandre, etc etc.
I have wondered if, those who live in Paris, see the old architecture as I do. Is being surrounded by it part of what makes the french admire beauty and want things "just so"? Or does if fade into the background and go unnoticed until one day they walk by something and it surprisignly takes their breathe away? From my point of view, in the 10 days I was there, I was always amazed at the architecture and the backdrops. Although I do prefer the North Shore Mountains in my backdrop, I still am taken by the stylised architecture of yesteryear. It really is part of what makes Paris, well, Paris.